2. The Chicken
and Egg Story
3. The Law of
4. The Theory
of Evolution challenged by the strength of
The earth’s magnetic Field
5. True Science
Rejects The abiogenesis suggestion
Chemicals are Nano Technology Savvy
6. True Science
versus Evolution Case No: 5/11/2011
7. True Science
versus Quack Science
8. Bibliography
[ 1 ] TRUE
SCIENCE Versus Evolution [ Quack Science ]
SCIENCE Rejects the False Teachings of Evolution. Evolution is Not a True
Science and has Misled Hundreds of Millions of people in several countries in
the Secular World.
Apostate Teachings of Evolution are based on Quack Science Theories like The
Big Bang Theory and” abiogenesis”.
Science rejects the following Quack Science Theories:
Big Bang Theory
is common knowledge that any so called” Big Bang ” would have a more
has proved by controlled demolitions that ” Big Bangs” are DESTRUCTIVE and
definitely not CONSTRUCTIVE.
SCIENCE rejects all false teachings related to the Big Bang Theory.
Big Bang Theory didnot Construct the very sophisticated galaxies, universe etc
and certainly did not provide just the exact and precise conditions on earth to
support both so called simple and complex life forms on earth.
through abiogenesis- cannot explain how an alleged random group of chemicals
without a brain decided to formulate molecules & build them up into amino
acids then guide such group of molecules to correctly assemble themselves in
such a manner to ensure that there was some perpetual ability they had to ”
…REPLICATE THEMSELVES…” into different living organisms- Both so called and
complex living organisms !
science defines Quack Science as Science Fiction found in comic books like
superman; spiderman; the Incredible hulk ; batman ; popeye etc.
Quack Science theory fails to explain how Life on earth originated and evolved
from so called simple life forms to complex life forms.
Logic of Evolution is Flawed and presents a tunnel vision viewpoint that
inorganic matter from say a Rock evolved to organic life by a Quack Science
Process dubbed ” abiogenesis. “.
is a NONSENSICAL Quack_Science Fiction story that should not be taken to be The
absolute authority for the Origin of all Original Life Forms on earth Today.
the Bible in the Book of Genesis the very First Book of The Bible, the First
chapter and The First verse of Genesis we read :
the beginning GOD created The Heaven and the Earth…”. ( Genesis 1 : 1 ).
God is The Creator.
read in The Bible that God creates SPACE ; MATTER and TIME in Genesis 1 :1.
Whole Chapter of Genesis 1 states :
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the
deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the
God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and
the morning were the first day.
God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it
divide the waters from the waters.
God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament
from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second
God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place,
and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called
he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the
fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the
earth: and it was so.
the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the
tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that
it was good.
the evening and the morning were the third day.
God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day
from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and
let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the
earth: and it was so.
God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser
light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the
darkness: and God saw that it was good.
the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath
life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the
waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after
his kind: and God saw that it was good.
God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the
seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle,
and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind,
and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that
it was good.
God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the
cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth
upon the earth.
God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and
female created he them.
God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and
replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the
God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the
face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree
yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing
that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green
herb for meat: and it was so.
God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the
evening and the morning were the sixth day….”.
can be said of Genesis Chapter 1 and much will be said under different Subject
Headings on This Blog Post.
the interim current debates on #True_Science versus #Evolution and True_Science
versus #Quack_Science may be followed on Twitter.
may also care to follow on Twitter #Creation versus #Evolution and #faith
versus #Unbelief ; #Faith versus Atheism etc
[ 2 ] The
Chicken and Egg Story
The Logic of Evolutionist in their abiogenesis theory is flawed.
A group of random chemicals with no brain have no ability and no
capability of acting intelligently to design or create diverse species of so
called simple and complex life forms.
Abiogenesis fails to provide compelling evidence how a certain
unknown group of chemicals – from a rock -or rocks [ sand is small pieces of
stone or rock finely ground by erosion or "..weathering.." ] – with
special abilities to have so called “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE “ could perform
complex mathematical equations to calculate without ERROR the exact and precise
sequence of complex molecules peptides amino acids and other Building Block
;etc in such a manner so as to ORGANICALLY DESIGN PERFECT Living Organisms both
unicellular and multicellular and to crown it all allegedly “..Instil ..or
impart life…” into such complex chemical combinations designed to be “…simple
and complex LIVING CREATURES…”.
The more one studies Evolution the more the Study of Evolution
ventures into the Realms of Science Fiction Assumptions and Presumptions and –
what some know as “… Quack Science…”.
The simple honest truth is that Evolutionist have “…circled
their wagons …” around their Flawed Logic and allegedly keep inventing or
manufacturing more and more so called Science Theories to explain their
When one stops to think for a minute basically Evolutionist
appear to have a MINDSET that allegedly says that “.. a ROCK can evolve to a
stone…”. ( Known in some circles as the ROCK ARGUMENT ).
In another ARGUMENT, the so called “…Chicken and Egg Story…”, Evolutionist do not have compelling evidence to provide a convincing Argument to support their abiogenesis Evolution Theory.
In another ARGUMENT, the so called “…Chicken and Egg Story…”, Evolutionist do not have compelling evidence to provide a convincing Argument to support their abiogenesis Evolution Theory.
Evolutionist fail to explain which came first in the chicken or
egg story.
i) If they say a chicken came first, then it implies INTELLIGENT
DESIGN or Creation.
As you know, Evolutionist do Not support INTELLIGENT DESIGN and they scoff and mock Creation and make fun of the Genesis Account of Creation.
As you know, Evolutionist do Not support INTELLIGENT DESIGN and they scoff and mock Creation and make fun of the Genesis Account of Creation.
The Chicken and Egg Story places Evolutionist in an embarrassing
They refuse to acknowledge that God “….... In the beginning GOD created heaven and earth.......…”. ( Genesis 1 verse 1 ).
They refuse to acknowledge that God “….... In the beginning GOD created heaven and earth.......…”. ( Genesis 1 verse 1 ).
ii) If they say the egg came first then they have to contradict
all known Scientific observations concerning how a male and female chicken [
bird, fowl ] procreate.
It should be noted that Science knows that unfertilized eggs do
not hatch and eventually get rotten.
The Abiogenesis theory cannot be used to explain either the
“..Chicken and Egg Story…” or the “ ROCK ARGUMENT…”.
Truth is ever simple.
God in The Bible says He created the heaven and the earth and
all life on earth in Six Days of Creation. [ see Genesis 1 : 1 - 31 ].
In “The Chicken and The Egg Story” the male and female chicken [
a bird , a fowl ] were created before the egg.
In Genesis 1 : 21 The LORD GOD created Mature male and female
chicken to Procreate or reproduce after their own kind or species. [ bird, fowl
]. ( see Law of Procreation in Genesis 1:11 ; Genesis 1: 20 -25 ; etc ).
Scientist Know that the designated gene pool of a given species
of bird or fowl or chicken will procreate and bring forth after their own kind
or species in full accordance with The Law of Procreation In The Bible.
In other Articles we may look at Bible Scriptures and see
without a shadow of a doubt that the Creation Account in Genesis is 100 % TRUTH
and The Theory of Evolution is 100% LIES.
[ 3 ] The Law of
It is common knowledge that every living species will reproduce
offspring after its own kind or species. This may be referred to as the LAW OF
PROCREATION. [See Genesis 1: 11; Genesis 1: 20-25; etc].
Every farmer knows the LAW OF SEED AND HARVEST which may be
found in several places in the Bible [ Genesis 1: 11 ; Genesis 1: 20-25 ;etc ]
may also be encapsulated in The Bible Verse Galatians 6 : 7 which states that
“…Be not deceived ; God is not mocked : for whatsoever a man soweth,that shall
he also reap…”.
The Theory of Evolution violates the Law of Procreation. (See
Genesis 1 verse 11). (Refer to Article on this site Headed “Everything brings
forth after its own kind.”.).
Every seed has DNA information to manifest the life of the seed.
Every seed will bring forth after its own kind. (See Genesis 1
verse 11; as read with Matthew 13; John 3 verse 6; Galatians 6 verse 7; etc).
The DNA Programme in that seed was written by the CREATOR of all
life on earth.
The seed you plant determines the harvest you reap.
In Matthew Chapter 13 we read about the sower and the seed.
To understand what is going on in the world today, we need to
prayerfully read Matthew Chapter 13 with specific reference to the Parable
about the Sower and the Seed and the Parable about the Wheat and the Tares.
The Preacher of the Pure Unadulterated Word of God is like the
Sower that sows good seed.
The Word of God brings forth True Born Again Children of God.
The Preacher of a Denominational Message or Sermon is like a
Sower that sows bad seed.
The Denominational Sermon will bring forth denominational Church
Every thing, every seed brings forth after it’s own kind.
The seed has all the necessary Biological DNA Programmes packed
within itself encased neatly in a specific Biological Format so that each
Original Life Designated Species on earth that GOD created on one of the SIX
DAYS of Creation from Day Three of Creation about 6000 Years ago, brings forth
or reproduces after its own kind or species. [See Genesis Chapter 1 for the Six
Days of Creation].
HARVEST, every living organism on earth , whether it is a so called simple
Contamination of hazardous chemicals in the ground or water or
food may have dire consequences on the Reproductive System of Living Organisms
and lead to Mutation of species .
Drugs like Birth Control Drugs that do not have a proper
comprehensive drug testing programme and are placed on the market prematurely
have been shown to have serious dire consequences e.g. Thalidomide.
Radiation caused by too much exposure to X-Rays etc may also
cause mutation and result in serious birth defects in both humans and animals.
Mutations of the Gene Pool or the Chromosome of any Original
Life Living Organism whether it be in say The Plant Kingdom , The Aquatic
Kingdom , The Insect Kingdom The Reptile Kingdom The Amphibian Kingdom The
Animal Kingdom etc and The Kingdom of Man may cause Genetic Defects to e passed
on by subject to the combination of Dominant and Recessive Chromosomes within
the Organism’s designated gene pool.
It has been said that the Logic of Evolution is flawed. It is
wrong for any person to assume that through a process called Abiogenesis , that
an UNKNOWN ” Special Group of chemicals” with no life at all that may have
allegedly originated from a ROCK or very fines grains of sand from the A ROCK
independently created or designed life on earth.
The Logic of Evolution is flawed in that it is IMPOSSIBLE for a
so called UNKNOWN ” Special Group of chemicals” with no brains to think and no
creative imagination at all , to randomly come together to design anything
without them having any Independent Life of their own and having no ability to
communicate with each other and by the alleged process of abiogenesis, with no
Divine Creative Assistance and no Divine Intelligent Design these .. UNKNOWN
chemicals in question.. ” Independently designed highly complex chemical
combinations to produce the right molecules for amino acids ; peptides ; Genes
; Chromosomes etc for every known so called simple and complex life forms on
earth from plants to insects to fish to animals to man !
If there was an AWARD for SCIENCE FICTION , then surely The
Evolutionists that “…cooked up..” the abiogenesis theory should be nominated
for their Quack Science Theory of an ” UNKNOWN GROUP OF SPECIAL CHEMICALS” that
were ALLEGEDLY Highly Intelligent and Creative to Design all so called simple
and complex life Forms on earth.
The sad thing is that Quack Science Theories Like The Big Bang
Theory , abiogenesis and Evolution are being taught as fact when they are not
fact but 100% FICTION !.
Chemicals from a Rock or from groups of Rocks didnot EVOLVE to
so called simple and complex LIVING ORGANISMS in the Plant Kingdom or the
Animal Kingdom etc.
It is common knowledge that every living organism brings forth
after it’s OWN KIND OR SPECIES e.g Fish beget fish; whales beget whales ;
octupus beget octupus ;frogs beget frogs; crocodiles beget crocodiles ; birds
beget birds; chickens beget chickens ; duck begets duck ; turkey begets turkey;
ostrich begets ostrich; horse begets horse ; donkey begets donkey ; cattle
beget cattle; buffalo begets buffalo; deer begets deer; apes beget apes;
monkeys beget monkeys ; chimpanzees beget chimpanzees ; etc and Human beings
beget Human beings.
Crossbreeding a horse and a donkey begets a HYBRID STERILE MULE
A male Mule and a female Mule cannot PROCREATE.
The Bible condemns Crossbreeding !
In Leviticus 19 :19 states “….Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou
shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy
field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen
come upon thee…..”.
Crossbreeding or ” gender with diverse kind..” is condemned by
the Bible. [ Leviticus 19: 19 also see the parable of the wheat and the tares
in Matthew 13 ; Genesis 3 :15 ; 1 John 3:12 ; 2 Thessalonians 2 :3 ;etc ].
The Theory of Evolution PRESUPPOSES that apes , monkeys ,
chimpanzees and man all have a common ancestor or as some allegedly say that “…
man evolved from apes , monkeys and chimpanzees…”.
The Bible says in The Book of Acts Chapter 17 verse 26 that GOD “… hath made of one blood all nations of men
for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before
appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;..”.
Mankind has no common ancestor with apes monkeys or chimpanzees
Mankind is SPECIAL TO GOD !
GOD created Mankind — Human beings in His own Image and Likeness
In Genesis 1 : 24 – 31 we read :
“…24And God said, Let the earth bring forth
the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of
the earth after his kind: and it was so.
25And God made the beast of the earth after
his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the
earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
26And God said, Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and
over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over
every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28And God blessed them, and God said unto
them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and
have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over
every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29And God said, Behold, I have given you every
herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in
the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
30And to every beast of the earth, and to
every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein
there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
31And God saw every thing that he had made,
and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth
GOD created Mankind — Human beings in His own Image and Likeness
i Genesis 1: 26-27 !
Mankind is SPECIAL !
You are SPECIAL !
You didnot Evolve !
Evolution is a Lie of the devil !
Evolution is a doctrine of satan to deny the existence of GOD
and to deny Creation and to deny The Bible.
The Bible is The Word of GOD from Genesis to Revelation.
[ 4 ] The Theory of
Evolution Challenged by The Strength of The Earth’s Magnetic Field !
It is common knowledge that Science has Compelling
Evidence that The HALF_LIFE of The Earth’s Magnetic Field is 1400 years.
This means that 10,000 yrs ago – the strength of the Earth’s
magnetic field was too strong for the any living organisms to exist on earth.
For Life to exist on earth and for living organisms to populate
the earth , conditions for life have to be EXACT and PRECISE.
Students of the Bible know that the according to the Book of
Genesis, as at 2011, the age of the earth from Day One of the SIX DAYS OF
CREATION is about 6000 years !
The rate of decay of THE EARTH’S MAGNETIC FIELD [ with a half
life of 1400 Years ] provides compelling scientific evidence that about 10 000
Years ago, NO LIFE could Exist ON EARTH !
This means that the Compelling Evidence of the earth’s
magnetic field is a “….. Clear and Present Danger…” to Evolutionist’s who
appear to have “ …circled their wagons…” in what may be a “…last ditch attempt
..” to defend the Quack Science Theories of :-
i) the so called Big Bang Theory ;
ii) abiogenesis ; and
iii) Evolution.
The Bible says in Genesis 1:1 that “…In the beginning GOD
created the heaven and the earth…”.
GOD is ETERNAL and dwells in Eternity where there is no Time !
GOD is not subject to Time .
GOD knows the End from the Beginning and knows the Beginning
from the End !
There is no time in ETERNITY !
Past, present and future all exist together in Eternity !
ETERNITY is a faster Dimension than Time !
Time is a slower dimension than ETERNITY !
Time only began on Earth after the ” Beginning” [ see Genesis
1:1 ].
When GOD created the heaven and the earth in the
“.. Beginning…” the whole universe and planet earth materilized from the
FAST DIMENSION called Eternity into the SLOW DIMENSION called Time.
There was no TIME in the Beginning !
READ Genesis 1:1-5 .
“…In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2And the earth was without form, and void; and
darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the
face of the waters.
3And God said, Let there be light: and there
was light.
4And God saw the light, that it was good: and
God divided the light from the darkness.
5And God called the light Day, and the darkness
He called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day…”.
How long did the BEGINNING Last ?
We only know that between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:5 that
after separating LIGHT from DARKNESS ( genesis 1: 1-4 ) that the
Bible says in Genesis 1:5 ”…. And God called the light Day, and the
darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
There was an evening and there was a morning. I hope you see it
What sets in the evening and what rises in the morning
everyday 24/7 and 365 1/4 days a year ?
The SUN !
Wait a minute…. Genesis 1: 14 -19 talks about the moon, the sun
, the stars [ the planets ;the galaxies ; the universe ] WERE MADE
[ TO APPEAR ]. [ Note made to appear - The word made is used
see below in Genesis 1; 14 to 19 - In Genesis 1 :
16 The Bible
uses the word made - The Word created is
not used] !
Remember , that in Genesis 1:1-2 we read “….
“…In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2And the earth was without form, and void; and
darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the
face of the waters…”.
The English Word ” AND ” is a conjunction and is NOT
There was a PERIOD of TIME between Genesis 1 verse 1
and Genesis 1 verse 2 and that this PERIOD of time came to an end of what is
now known as DAY ONE OF CREATION what many believe to be a
24/7 and 365 1/4 day Cycle around the SUN.
However, it should be noted that the JEWISH CANDLE and there may
be some other calendars based on a 24/7 and 360 Day Year and not a
365 1/4 Year suggesting that there was a PARADIGM SHIFT in the Earth’s
Axis that affected the Earths Rotational Spin and increased it from a
24/7 and 360 day year to a 24/7 and 365 1/4 Year — but that’s another
subject on it’s own !
This BLOG by The Grace of GOD , will have a BRIEF OVERVIEW
of The SIX DAYS OF CREATION detailed in Genesis Chapter 1 that will
[ 5 ] TRUE
Modern Genetics validates the Genesis LAW OF
PROCREATION which briefly states that “…Everything [ species ]
brings forth or reproduces after it’s own kind or
Species ?…”. [ See Genesis 1 :11; Genesis 1 : 19 -24 ; etc
and any up to date Modern Book of Genetics describing the Reproductive System
of Plants, Insects, reptiles, mammals, etc and human beings ].
EVOLUTIONIST would appear to suggest
without bonafide legitimate evidence to that the “….
Evolutionary Process that theorectically began by ”…abiogenesis…”
Evolutionists !
EVOLUTIONIST’S appear to suggest that the Theory
known as “ abiogenesis “ is correct and an OFFICIAL
totally rejects all Quack Science Theories like the Big Bang Theory,
abiogenesis and Evolution !
READERS OF THIS BLOG know that according to TRUE
SCIENCE abiogenesis is a Quack Science Theory !
Abiogenesis is all fiction not fact. It is
really what would appear to be an amazing concoction of Quack Science
Abiogenesis in a nutshell is Science Fiction and is the
equivalent of Superman, spiderman, Hulk , Green Lantern etc .
abiogenesis appears to suggest that there was “… INTELLIGENT
DESIGN …” by a Group of some ROGUE ???
CHEMICALS ! …” from a Rock or sand or whatever .
These alleged “ …SMART CHEMICALS…” that
apparently had no life [ but behaved as if they had life ] had
and therefore like all “..NORMAL..” chemicals of THE
PERIODIC TABLE had no life giving creative
properties -no brain – no creative design capabilities or abilities- [
but were allegedly Incredibly smart enough to be “…VERY ADVANCED
outside help and No DIVINE ASSISTANCE allegedly Independently decided
to DESIGN and MASS PRODUCE both so called simple and complex life forms
through a process now known as abiogenesis by Evolutionists !
“SMART CHEMICALS” - Really amazing Stuff
! Science Fiction the equivalent of Superman, spiderman, Hulk
, Green Lantern etc .
[ 6
05/11/2011 TRUE SCIENCE versus
Bible Believers believe that GOD Created All Original Life On Earth About 6000 Years
Ago in the manner detailed in The
Infallible Word of GOD.
Bible Believers
believe the Bible from Genesis to Creation is the Word of GOD that tells
all mankind who they are where they come from and where they are going to.
Any individual with a
basic knowledge of Physics, Chemistry
and Biology will find it difficult to believe
the so called Big Bang Theory ;
The Theory of Abiogenesis and The
Theory of Evolution.
Bible Believer’s have
Faith in God and Believe that the Bible is The Word of God.
Bible Believer’s believe that “...In the beginning GOD
created the heaven and the earth...”. ( Genesis 1 verse 1 ).
This Judgement Ruling
in the #Case 05/11/2011 TRUE SCIENCE versus Evolution has based it’s findings primarily on the View
Point of an average reasonable person
because of the prevailing Secular Belief Education Curricula system .
The Judgement takes note that some people maynot be familiar
with the Genesis Account of Creation and
also takes note that an average
reasonable person that has an independent
mind with functioning ordinary logic and plain common sense thought processes
to distinguish FACT from FICTION and to
distinguish between TRUE SCIENCE and SCIENCE FICTION.
It has admitted that : Everyone has common sense and common
logic to believe that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
It is also has
admitted that : Everyone knows that there are four seasons on earth namely
spring, summer , autumn and winter.
It is also admitted :
Everyone knows that when a farmer plants
maize seed in due season he reaps
a maize harvest.
No one disputes that :
If the farmer plants wheat , he will reap a wheat harvest.
It is common knowledge that : Every seed that the farmer
plants has certain biological DNA Information that determines the
characteristics of that seed and
influences how it will grow and
develop into a mature plant bearing
fruit and seed.
Farmers know that they reap what they sow. ( Galatians 6 :7
Farmers know that Every Seed will manifest after it’s own
It is known by Bible
Believers who believe in GOD and that “...In the beginning GOD created the
heaven and the earth ...” , [ See Genesis 1:1 ],
Bible Believers believe that : Those who subscribe To The Theory of
Evolution stand by their personal belief that there is No GOD and that according to their Belief System , that GOD
didnot create the heaven and the earth.
It is submitted by TRUE SCIENCE that The Earth’s Magnetic Field has a half life of about 1400 Years and it’s
rate of decay suggests that between 6000
and 10000 Years Ago Conditions for Life
on Earth were Precise Exact and Fine Tuned to support both so called simple and
complex Original Life Living Organisms
on Earth.
TRUE SCIENCE also submits that The Earth’s Magnetic Field
plays a major role in providing a Protective Shield to keep the earth’s Atmosphere in Place to deflect harmful Cosmic rays Gamma Rays and other
harmful rays from sun bursts etc .
It is known that The Earth’s Magnetic Field also shields the
earth from meteorites , comets , asteroids and more recently so called Space
Junk from defunct satellites etc.
It is also known that The Van Allen Belt is held in place by
The Earth’s Magnetic Field.
The existence of the Earth’s Magnetic Field provides an
Excellent Reference Point to Rubbish the Quack Science
Assumptions/Presumptions of abiogenesis
which paraphrased would appear to suggest that --- “... Original Life on
earth can allegedly trace it’s origins of
life to some so called ROGUE
SMART CHEMICALS of The Periodic Table
that allegedly behaved as having Extraordinary Properties of Creative Design to Design and Create well
over a Billion Species of Original Life Organism each distinct one from another
to be classified as separate and distinct species in their own right !....”.
It is common knowledge that Evolutionists are Atheist . They deny the Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 Accounts of
Evolutionists donot believe in GOD. They mock the Bible and
mock and scoff Christians.
Evolutionists have concocted
Theories like The Big Bang Theory ; abiogenesis and Evolution in an
attempt to try and explain the Origin of the Universe and the Origin of all
Original Life on Earth that according to their doctrine and Belief System
allegedly can be traced to a yet UNKNOWN GROUP of so called “...ROGUE SMART
CHEMICALS...” of The Periodic Table.
Evolutionist have tried to
“ ..REPLICATE..” their
Assumptions/ Presumptions of Life on
Earth Billions of Years Ago in the confines of their LABORATORY
without taking into account several
variable factors LIKE the
strength of the Earth’s Magnetic Field Billions of Years ago !
True Science REJECTS all Quack Science Experiments allegedly designed to fabricate any “...
supporting evidence...” to PROMOTE Theories
that appear to be based more on Science Fiction than True Facts !
Any Person with common sense knows that All chemicals from
The Periodic Table Do Not have The ability or capability to Creatively
Design All The Internal and External
Organic Characteristics of all Known and Unknown simple and complex Organic Life Forms !
The logic of
Evolution in their abiogenesis theory
is flawed since they have no compelling evidence to poove that all Original simple and complex Living Organisms originated from a yet UNKNOWN GROUP of so called “...ROGUE
SMART CHEMICALS...” of The Periodic
Table !
In the absence of Compelling
Evidence that supports the Big Bang Theory ; The Theory of Abiogenesis and Evolution ,it is the Considered Judgement
of True Science that
the Big Bang Theory ; The Theory of Abiogenesis and The Theory of
Evolution are NOT TRUE SCIENCE But Quack
Science or Science Fiction.
Science Fiction is not based on fact and belongs to the
domain of comic books like superman, spiderman , hulk, batman, transformers ,
etc .
TRUE SCIENCE therefore Rejects all Arguments supporting The
Big Bang Theory, The Theory of Abiogenesis
and The Theory of Evolution as Quack Science Theory Studies that belong
on the same Library Shelves as superman, spiderman, hulk, batman, transformer
etc science fiction comic books.
True Science rules that there is compelling scientific
evidence to support the Genesis Account of Creation and rejects all findings of
all so called Experts of Evolution as wishful thinking of Individuals under
delusion of science fiction comic book stories !
True Science also rules that Modern Genetic Studies support The Law of Procreation in
Genesis 1 :11 ; Genesis 1;20-24 which paraphrased states that Every Created
Original Life Species created by Almighty GOD The Creator of Heaven and Earth
[ Genesis 1:1 ] reproduces living
offspring of their own species or kind and that the ability to procreate or
reproduce offspring by procreation exists in the reproductive organs of the male and female offspring of the Original Life Species that
were created by Almighty GOD.
True Science rules that the
Author of Confusion ( 1 Corinthians 14 verse 33 ) behind the confusion of the
Evolution Doctrine , The Big Bang Theory and The Theory of Abiogenesis is Lucifer , aka Satan a literal
devil and demonic entity that hates all mankind on earth.
True Science finds Lucifer, aka Satan a literal devil and
demonic entity to be guilty of heinous crimes against humanity and cruel and
unusual punishment to fight wars against
one another based on greed, bitterness
and hatred as a result of the false
Belief System of Evolution that deceives
some of mankind that they were not created by GOD in His Image and likeness ( Genesis
1:26-27 ) but instead suggests with No Compelling Evidence that mankind [ Human
Beings of all nations on earth ] descended from apes , monkeys and chimpanzees
allegedly through a process called Abiogenesis.
True Science Salutes
The Righteous Judgement of GOD that
sentences Lucifer, aka Satan a
literal devil and demonic entity to be
all Satan’s wild allegations and theories of Quack Science Nonsense namely The
Big Bang Theory ; Abiogenesis and
Evolution .
It is hereby certified that the above TRUE SCIENCE
JUDGEMENT was decided on by Errol Anthony Smythe, under the FULL
AUTHORITY OF THE WORD OF GOD , in his capacity of being a Born Again Bible
Believer and a Bonafide Descendant
of The Biblical Adam and Eve
proud to be Identified as an Offspring
of The Original Creation of The Almighty GOD ! Amen and Amen !
[ 7 ] True
Science is against Quack Science
Science is against Quack Science like The Big Bang Theory ; The Theory of
Abiogenesis and The Theory of Evolution that has been parading as
part of “…TRUE SCIENCE..”.
an EXTRACT of Case No: 5/11/2011, TRUE SCIENCE versus Evolution ,
TRUE SCIENCE Ruled that : -
“…..In the absence of Compelling Evidence that supports the Big
Bang Theory ; The Theory of Abiogenesis and Evolution ,it is the
Considered Judgement of True Science that the Big Bang Theory
; The Theory of Abiogenesis and The Theory of Evolution are NOT TRUE
SCIENCE But Quack Science or Science Fiction.
Science Fiction is not based on fact and belongs to the domain of
comic books like superman, spiderman , hulk, batman, transformers , etc
TRUE SCIENCE therefore Rejects all Arguments supporting The Big
Bang Theory, The Theory of Abiogenesis and The Theory of Evolution as
Quack Science Theory Studies that belong on the same Library Shelves as
superman, spiderman, hulk, batman, transformer etc etc science
fiction comic books.
True Science rules that there is compelling scientific evidence to
support the Genesis Account of Creation and rejects all findings of all so
called Experts of Evolution as wishful thinking of Individuals under delusion
of science fiction comic book stories !
True Science also rules that Modern Genetic Studies support
The Law of Procreation in Genesis 1 :11 ; Genesis 1;20-24 which paraphrased
states that Every Created Original Life Species created by Almighty GOD The
Creator of Heaven and Earth [ Genesis 1:1 ] reproduces living offspring
of their own species or kind and that the ability to procreate or reproduce
offspring by procreation exists in the reproductive organs of the male
and female offspring of the Original Life Species that were created by
Almighty GOD.
True Science rules that the Author of Confusion ( 1 Corinthians 14
verse 33 ) behind the confusion of the Evolution Doctrine , The Big Bang Theory
and The Theory of Abiogenesis is Lucifer , aka Satan a
literal devil and demonic entity that hates all mankind on earth.
True Science finds Lucifer, aka Satan a literal devil and demonic
entity to be guilty of heinous crimes against humanity and cruel and unusual
punishment to fight wars against one another based on greed,
bitterness and hatred as a result of the false Belief System of Evolution
that deceives some of mankind that they were not
created by GOD in His Image and likeness ( Genesis 1:26-27 ) but instead
suggests with No Compelling Evidence that mankind [ Human Beings of all nations
on earth ] descended from apes , monkeys and chimpanzees allegedly through a
process called Abiogenesis.
True Science Salutes The Righteous Judgement of GOD
that sentences Lucifer, aka Satan a literal devil and demonic
TRUE SCIENCE rejects all Satan’s wild allegations and
theories of Quack Science Nonsense namely The Big Bang Theory ; Abiogenesis
and Evolution .
It is hereby certified that the above TRUE SCIENCE
JUDGEMENT was decided on by Errol Anthony Smythe, under the FULL
AUTHORITY OF THE WORD OF GOD , in his capacity of being a Born Again Bible
Believer and a Bonafide Descendant of The Biblical Adam and Eve
proud to be Identified as an Offspring of The Original Creation of The
Almighty GOD ! Amen and Amen ! …”.
TRUE SCIENCE will update READERS of this Blog of any updates it
may receive concerning Case No : 5/11/2011 True Science versus Evolution.
TRUE SCIENCE expects some Loyal Defendants of Quack Science to be
upset that The Big Bang Theory, Abiogenesis and Evolution have been rejected by
However , it is hoped that such Loyal Defendants of the Big Bang
Theory , Abiogenesis and Evolution may cakm and mature enough and face up to
the true facts presented in the case in question and examine all the
evidence considered by TRUE SCIENCE and be neutral and honest as they
Research TRUE SCIENCE JUDGEMENT Ruling in Case No : 5/11/2011 True
science versus Evolution.
Planet Earth is a wonderful place created by Almighty GOD and
True Science will have no Quack Science allege that all Created life on earth
just happened by the alleged Process of Evolution after some
INDEPENDENTLY but COLLECTIVELY without Brain Power or Intellectual
Power because as Chemicals they had no brains …and no power to create or
design Organic life of all Living Organisms…”.
As you may appreciate True Science does recognize modern Genetics
that validates The LAW OF PROCREATION in
the Bible .[ Genesis 1: 11-12 ; Genesis
1:20-25 ; Galatians 6:7 ; etc ].
Readers of This Blog are welcome to post legitimate comments
/observations/opinions provided they stay on message and use appropriate
True Science will not publish abusive comments or comments that
have nothing to do with True Science versus Evolution ; True science versus
Atheism ; creation versus Evolution and Faith versus unbelief.
God Bless all those that believe His Word from Genesis to
Revelation! Amen and Amen !
[ 8 ] Bibliography
Main Authorative Source :
The Bible
Other Sources
Bates, G. (n.d.). That quote!—about the missing
transitional fossils . Creation Ministries International .
Chown, M. (2000).
Before the Big Bang. New Scientist, 3 June 2000, No. 2241 .
Harvey, C. (2011).
Artificial crystals get their own textbook laws. New Scientist .
Jerry Bergman, P.
(2000). Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible. Creation Research Society Quarterly,
Vol. 36, No. 4, March 2000 .
Larry Vardiman, P.
(2011). A Well-Watered Land: Effects of the Genesis Flood on Precipitation in
the Middle East. Institute foe Creation Research .
Randy J. Guliuzza, P.
M. (2011). Darwin's Sacred Imposter: Recognizing Missed Warning Signs. Institute
for Creation Research .
Randy J. Guliuzza, P.
M. (2011). Darwin's Sacred Imposter: The Illusion That Natural Selection
Operates on Organisms. Institute For Creation Research .
Thomas G. Barnes, D.
(n.d.). Depletion of Earth's Magnetic Field. Institute For Creation Research
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