Wednesday 5 October 2011

Have Faith in GOD.

FAITH in your heart is a WEAPON OF VICTORY that will defeat all SATAN'S DEADLY ARSENAL of doubt,unbelief, fear,procrastination & self pity.
FAITH says NO to DOUBT & Fear. Faith repels UNBELIEF & OBLITERATES FEAR & Speaks God's WORD OF PROMISE in the face of the enemies of FAITH.
The eagle eye of faith looks beyond TEMPORARY CIRCUMSTANCES & SITUATIONS & pushes them aside TO REVEAL THE REALITY OF GOD'S PROMISED WORD.
The eagle eye of faith looks into the FUTURE and claims the TITLE DEEDS OF POSSESSION of things hoped for as EVIDENCE & PROOF OF OWNERSHIP.
Faith does not rely on the five senses.Faith relies on the PROMISES OF GOD trusting that God says what He means and God means what He says.
FAITH in your heart is a WEAPON OF VICTORY that will defeat all SATAN'S DEADLY ARSENAL of doubt,unbelief, fear,procrastination & self pity.
FAITH says NO to DOUBT & Fear. Faith repels UNBELIEF & OBLITERATES FEAR & Speaks God's WORD OF PROMISE in the face of the enemies of FAITH.
The BELIEF SYSTEM of THE BIBLE BELIEVER is Based on the PURE UNADULTERATED WORD OF GOD undefiled by man made creeds; doctrines & traditions.
To walk with God one must agree with His Word.
Choose the right Company. The company you keep influences the life that you live. The proverb says" Birds of a feather flock together".
"..Can two walk together unless they be agreed ..?".( Amos 3 verse 7 ).
Enoch walked with God. Enoch agreed with God every step of the way of his pilgrim journey.
That Word of God so quickened his life that he was transformed & one day he just walked on up into heaven.( Genesis 5:23& 24; Hebrews 11:5).
The Holy Ghost watches over the spoken Word of God.The Holy Ghost confirms the Word of God with signs and wonders following.( Mark 16:20).
The ANOINTED WORD OF GOD grants the Believer DAILY BREAD to MEET the NEEDS OF THE BELIEVER for the Day & the days ahead.
The WORD OF GOD is full of power and full of life and full of victory.The WORD OF GOD has ZOE LIFE !
The Word of God is full of quickening power.( Hebrews 4 verse 12).
The Believer RECOGNIZES & acts in FAITH obeying THE ANOINTED WORD OF GOD preached by GOD APPOINTED & GOD ANOINTED Servants of GOD.